Monday, August 9, 2010

3 Things You Should Clean Everyday

#1. The Dishes

Dishes should get done on a daily basis.  This is one task that gets bigger over time if it is not taken care of, making it a larger task than need be.  Caked and baked on food is easier to get off if you clean it right away, and leaving dishes may cause funky smells and attract unwelcome critters in your kitchen.  Who does the dishes? Well that is another matter.

#2. The Laundry

If you have a large family doing the laundry every day is a wonderful time saver.  Rather than wasting that one day doing load after load of laundry, break it up into smaller parts.  Darks on Monday, whites on Tuesday, towels on Wednesday etc. With just the two of us, my laundry schedule is set for every other day.  I just throw it in before dinner, it washes and dries while I am cooking and eating, then I fold it and put it away.

#3 File Away Loose Papers

This is a great way to keep paper clutter to a minimum. Instead of leaving the open mail to pile up on the kitchen counter, designate a place to file it.

Keep your house looking neat and tidy by taking care of these 3 tasks on a daily basis.


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