Friday, July 9, 2010

Maximum Results: The Mountain Climber

Mountain Climbers are a great exercise to throw into a circuit to get your heart rate up.  Start with 30 seconds and work your way up to 2 minutes in between weighted moves.

This high powered move targets your glutes, calves, shoulders, triceps and core.

  1. Get into a plank position (similar to a push-up but with your hands placed underneath your shoulders). Your legs are straight back and you are on the balls of your feet. Keep your core tight.
  2. Bring your right knee into your chest hold it for a moment and then switch legs. Beginners can tap the toe forward and back but eventually you want to speed it up to a hop while alternating legs.
Tips: Be sure to keep your body in a line, no sagging at the hips.  Your core should be engaged throughout the whole exercise.

To make the exercise harder you can put your hands on a balance board.   For a variation you can eliminate the hop and twist your knee in to the opposite shoulder to target the oblique muscles (known as plank twists).


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